
Monday, March 25, 2013

IP Version 4 Address Classes

IP version 4 is a 32 bit addressing system. The 32 bits are divided as 4 octets of 8 bits each. In IPv4 the IP address is categorized as Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D, and Class E.

Class A, Class B, and Class C addresses are used on IP networks as host IP address. Class D, Class E addresses are not be used as host IP address on the network. Class D is used for multicasting whereas class E is used for limited broadcasting.

Class A, Class B, Class C for host IP
Class D for Multicast
Class E 

IP Address Class D for Multicast

Multicast addressing is  a technique which define a group of nodes and sending IP message to that group alone.It uses the link only once for message delivery.It use the class D addressing system.The 32 bit indicate a group name. It uses IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol).

IP Address Class E 

In the IPv4  standard Class E addresses as reserved, that is they are not  used as host ip address on IP networks.The IP addresses  range from through  are reserved and is  not  considered for the normal Class E range. The  IP broadcast to deliver IP message to all node on the local network(LAN), that is this broadcast is limited with in the local network as the packet does not reach all node on the Internet

IP Loopback Address is the loopback address in IP.
To test self connectivity
Loop back packets are not visible on the network
Messages sent to do not appear in the network. The network adpter loopback(send back) all messages to the sending application. That is it is used when a program access a network service running on the same computer itself.That is loopback address is used to test the self connectivity.

Example: PING
A successful ping request to verify that a computer's network interface card, it's drivers, and the operating system's TCP/IP implementation are operating perfectly.

IP address range from through are reserved for loopback purposes. This range of IP address cannot be assigned as host ip address on a network.
Modern operating systems implement TCP/IP consider   "localhost" as equivalent to

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