You've just turned back on your Windows XP computer and suddenly you can't get into
the desktop. It gets stuck in the Windows log-on screen. And what's pretty
surprising about it, the activation screen comes up and would ask you to
activate again your Windows XP. What you would normally do is to activate the
product hoping you could log-on back to the desktop. Unfortunately in most
cases, the activation will not work. And in some other cases, when you activate
the product, it would tell you that it is already activated but does the same
annoying thing after a restart. This works on either Windows XP Home or
Just follow the steps in order:
1. Start your computer in safe mode.
2. Login using an administrator user account.
3. Go to Windows Start menu and open RUN or press Windows + R. Type CMD in the run text box and click on OK. This will open the command prompt window.
4. Type these commands and press enter. Then click OK on each prompts:
regsvr32 regwizc.dll
regsvr32 licdll.dll
5. Type this last command (type exactly as what you see here)
rundll32.exe syssetup,SetupOobeBnk
Wait for a couple of minutes because the last command will not show anything on the screen. However, it will reset the licensing components in the background.
You may now restart your computer and you can log-on back to your normal Windows desktop screen.
Just follow the steps in order:
1. Start your computer in safe mode.
2. Login using an administrator user account.
3. Go to Windows Start menu and open RUN or press Windows + R. Type CMD in the run text box and click on OK. This will open the command prompt window.
4. Type these commands and press enter. Then click OK on each prompts:
regsvr32 regwizc.dll
regsvr32 licdll.dll
5. Type this last command (type exactly as what you see here)
rundll32.exe syssetup,SetupOobeBnk
Wait for a couple of minutes because the last command will not show anything on the screen. However, it will reset the licensing components in the background.
You may now restart your computer and you can log-on back to your normal Windows desktop screen.
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